9.13.23 Kirkwood Ridge Rescue



On Wednesday September 13, 2023, at 11:54 a.m. the West Yellowstone Police Department Dispatch center received a call regarding a hunter who had fallen and suffered a broken ankle in the area of Kirkwood Ridge, 11 miles northwest of West Yellowstone.

Volunteers from Gallatin County Sheriff Search and Rescue in West Yellowstone, Hebgen Basin Rural Fire Department and West Yellowstone Police Department responded to assist with the search.

Due to the steep, rugged terrain, the SAR Heli Team was deployed to the scene to deliver the hunter to a waiting Hebgen Basin Ambulance. The hunter was ultimately transported to the Madison Valley Medical Center in Ennis for further treatment.

Sheriff Dan Springer would like to commend the hunter’s companions who immediately recognized the need for help and remained on scene to assist with the hunter’s needs. A special thanks to the helicopter team who battled severe inclement weather to quickly and efficiently extract the hunter from the backcountry.

Photos courtesy of Gallatin County Sheriff’s Office.