Category: Media Release

  • Assistance For Evacuated Landmark Subdivision Residents

    For immediate release: Sept. 11, 2022 Residents who have been evacuated from their homes in the Landmark Subdivision and require retrieving medications or pets, or need a place to stay, can call our dispatch center to arrange access. Evacuated residents can call 406-582-2100, option 2 to be connected to the Gallatin County Sheriff’s Office for…

  • Barricaded Subject in Landmark Subdivision

    For immediate release: Sept. 11, 2022 Law enforcement is currently working a situation involving a barricaded subject where shots were fired on Red Barn Drive in the Landmark Subdivision in Belgrade. A shelter in place has been issued for those in the nearby area. Neighbors affected have been notified and law enforcement is working on…

  • 9.1.2022 North Cottonwood Rescue

    PRESS RELEASE North Cottonwood Rescue On Thursday, September 1st, 2022, at 5:30 p.m., Gallatin County Dispatch received a call from Park County for a lost person in the Fairy Lake area.  GCSO Deputies learned that about 10:00 a.m., two people were camping at the Fairly Lake Campground when one decided to take a ride on…

  • 8.27.2022 Lionhead Rescue

    PRESS RELEASE Lionhead ATV Crash On August 26, 2022 at 7:37 pm, the West Yellowstone Police Department dispatch center received a call for an injured ATV rider who missed the trail and crashed near Junction 8 on the Lionhead Trail.  The injured party was bleeding from a lacerated leg and a tourniquet had been applied.…

  • 8-25-22 Incident at River Rock Ponds, Belgrade

    Today, at approximately 8:30 am, the Gallatin County Sheriff’s Office received a report of a 47 year old male who had gone missing yesterday and was last seen in the River Rock area. At approximately 3:40 pm, the Gallatin County Sheriff’s Office used a drone to fly over the River Rock pond. A deceased body…

  • Increased patrols over the upcoming holiday weekend.

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEContact:Sheriff Dan Springer406-582-2125 Montanans: Plan for a Sober Ride and Help Everyone Get Home Safely This Labor Day Weekend Law Enforcement is planning increased patrols in Gallatin County over the holiday weekend. Residents are encouragedto plan for a sober ride home. August 18, 2022, – As the Labor Day weekend approaches, the Gallatin…

  • 8.16.22 Bear Basin Rescue

    PRESS RELEASE Bear Basin Rescue On August 16, 2022, at 10:39 am, Gallatin County Dispatch received a call that a rock climber had fallen approximately 100 feet and sustained severe injuries near Bear Basin in Big Sky. The reporting party was with the patient and advised they were on a small ledge about 300 feet…

  • 8.12.22 Hyalite Reservoir Rescue

    PRESS RELEASE Hyalite Reservoir Rescue On Friday August 12, 2022 at 2:15pm, Gallatin County Dispatch received a call from the International Emergency Response Communication Center (IERCC) stating they had received an SOS from a GPS Communication device regarding a hiker who had a serious lower leg injury.  The IERCC gave a latitude/longitude of the patient’s…

  • HAB Detected on Hebgen Reservoir

    For Immediate Release: August 10, 2022 Harmful algae blooms (HAB) are present on Hebgen Reservoir in the northeast portion, in the Grayling Arm area, of the reservoir. Routine monitoring and field testing in the Rainbow Point area of Hebgen Reservoir has detected the presence of an algal toxin, anatoxin-a, that poses a risk to people,…

  • First Probable Case of Monkeypox in Gallatin County

    For immediate release: August 9, 2022 The Department of Public Health and Human Services (DPHHS) and Gallatin City-County Health Department (GCCHD) confirmed a single probable case of monkeypox virus in a Gallatin County adult. You can see the full press release here.   For the most updated information in Gallatin County, visit the monkeypox page…