Category: Media Release

  • 6.22.22 M Trail Rescue

    PRESS RELEASE M Trail Hiker Rescue On June 22, 2022 at 8:45pm, Gallatin County dispatch received a call for a hiker located above the M on the College M Trail, who thought they might be having a heart attack. Gallatin County Sheriff Search and Rescue volunteers from the Valley, Bridger Canyon Fire Department, and American…

  • 6.18.22 Gallatin River Rescue

    PRESS RELEASE Gallatin River Rescue   On June 18, 2022, at 7:10 pm. Gallatin County Dispatch received multiple calls from several residents along the Gallatin River who had watched an empty 14 foot raft go by their homes. While investigating, a deputy came across two other individuals who were kayaking, but appeared to be stranded…

  • 6.17.22 Triple Tree Trail Rescue

    PRESS RELEASE Triple Tree Mountain Biker Rescue On June 17, 2022 Gallatin County Dispatch received a call for a mountain biker that crashed on the Triple Tree Trail south of Bozeman. The biker had an open fracture to their left arm after braking hard and falling from their bike. Gallatin County Sheriff Search and Rescue…

  • Logan and Trident road update.

    As of this time, the roads to Clarkston have not been closed. The Road and Bridge department are watching the area and will close them if needed. If these roads close, residents of that area should be prepared with food and water for a couple of days until the water recedes and access is granted.

  • Gallatin County Flooding Update

    For immediate release: June 13, 2022 Due to hazardous flooding conditions, Yellowstone National Park has temporarily closed its entrances and is evacuating all visitors through the south and West Yellowstone gates due to flooding at the other entrances. Please stay away from the area if possible. Before visitors or residents head north from the park…

  • Gallatin County Flooding

    Gallatin County Flooding Rivers in the area are high and reaching flood levels.  This water is moving very fast, is very cold, has large amounts of debris, and is extremely dangerous.  Please stay away from the water!  If you must be near it, wear a personal floatation device and be aware of your footing.  Do…

  • Gallatin County Sheriff’s Office Award Ceremony

    Each year the Montana Sheriff’s and Peace Officers Association (MSPOA) honors Detention and Sworn Law Enforcement Officers for contributions to their professions. The individuals are nominated to receive the awards by their peers. This year we have two individuals that showed courage, rapid action, and determination in saving the lives of individuals remanded to our…

  • Scam alert from the Gallatin County Sheriff’s Office

    June 9, 2022 The Gallatin County Sheriff’s Office has received numerous calls of a scam involving a caller identifying himself as Deputy or Detective with the Gallatin County Sheriff’s Office. The caller states that there is a warrant for your arrest due to missing a court date, or an unpaid fine. The caller further states…

  • Gallatin County Weed District Seeking Nominations For Noxious Weed Management Award

      For immediate release: June 6, 2022   Gallatin County Weed District Seeking Nominations For Noxious Weed Management Award To kick off Montana Noxious Weed Awareness Week, the Gallatin County Weed District announces the opening of nominations for a new award to recognize area landowners for their work in controlling noxious weeds in our area.…

  • Tickets for Big Sky Country State Fair On Sale Now

      For immediate release: May 31, 2022 The Big Sky Country State Fair is bringing bigger fun, bigger smiles to this year’s 2022 fair and tickets are on sale now. The Big Sky Country State Fair is offering six amazing ticket packages to choose from. Don’t forget to buy early for HUGE savings! See the…