For immediate release: May 30, 2023
Media contact:
Whitney Bermes, Gallatin County Communications Coordinator
Cell: 406-595-8963
Applicants Sought for Gallatin County Citizen Boards
Gallatin County is seeking applicants for open positions on numerous citizen boards.
These volunteer boards work on topics like growth and land-use planning, strengthening our community’s mental health system, promoting historic preservation, preventing DUIs on our roads, and much more! The county’s citizen boards provide a great way for residents to get involved in local government.
“When you serve on an advisory board, you serve the community in a meaningful way, providing support and direction on services and the future of our community,” said Gallatin County Commissioner Jennifer Boyer. “The experience provides insight into the operations of local government and decision making. It is not surprising that some of our most informed citizens are board members. Bringing your knowledge and passion to a board is one of the most generous ways you can serve our community. We are so grateful for people’s time, knowledge and dedication.”
To apply to any of these boards, fill out this application form. Completed forms can either be emailed to commission@gallatin.mt.gov or mailed to Commissioners’ Office at 311 W. Main St., room 306, Bozeman, MT 59715.
The Gallatin County Commission reviews applications and makes appointments at their regularly scheduled public meetings.
For more information, please call 406-582-3000.
Belgrade City/County Planning Board
The Belgrade City-County Planning Board’s mission is to provide growth policy recommendations to the Belgrade City Council and the Gallatin County Commission that insure development is done properly in appropriate areas, that mitigate negative impacts, and that provide positive benefits for the residents of the City of Belgrade, Belgrade City-County Planning Jurisdiction, and Gallatin County.
The board is seeking a county rep to serve a term through March 2025.
Consolidated Board of Adjustment
The Consolidated Board of Adjustments makes decisions on zoning and development applications in “Part 2” zoning districts – Four Corners, Gallatin County/Bozeman Area “Donut”, Middle Cottonwood, North Gallatin Canyon, Reese Creek, and South Cottonwood Canyon.
There are currently two vacancies on the board. Members must reside and own land in the Consolidated Board of Adjustments jurisdictional area within Gallatin County. No prior experience is needed. However, members must be able to work well with others and possess a general interest in the growth of Gallatin County.
Meetings are held the third Tuesday of each month at 4 PM in the Gallatin County Courthouse.
DUI Task Force
The Gallatin County DUI Task Force is a citizens group appointed by the County Commissioners to develop and/or fund public education, awareness, and enforcement projects to reduce the number of alcohol and/or drug related crashes and deaths in Gallatin County.
The task force meets on the third Wednesday of odd numbered months at 5:30 PM.
Gallatin Drive Mosquito Control District
This board develops and administers a program for the abatement and alleviation of mosquito pest conditions within the district. There is one vacancy.
Historic Preservation Board
The Historic Preservation Board promotes the preservation of historic and prehistoric sites, structures, objects, building and historic districts by addressing historic preservation issues at the county level and integrates historic preservation into local, state and federal planning and decision making processes, as well as identifies, evaluates and protects historic resources in Gallatin County.
There are three vacancies. The board meets the third Monday of each month at 5:30 PM at the Gallatin County Courthouse.
Mental Health Local Advisory Council
The local advisory council is a coalition of community members interested in assessing, planning and strengthening public mental health services in our community.
The council currently has two vacancies for members who are consumers or family members of consumers. The council meets on the second Monday of each month at the Gallatin County Courthouse.
There are three vacancies.
Tax Appeal Board
The Gallatin County Tax Appeal Board hears taxpayers’ appeals from the Montana Department of Revenue’s property tax assessments, as well as attends meetings called by the Montana Tax Appeal Board.
The board consists of up to seven members, however only three sit at each hearing. There is currently one vacancy.
Three Forks City Zoning and Planning Board
The purpose of the Three Forks Zoning and Planning Board is to advise and assist the Three Forks City Council in promoting the orderly development of the city, and in improving the health, safety, convenience and welfare of the residents living within its jurisdictional area, to include the City of Three Forks and other districts as may be established from time to time.
This is a seven-member board, each serving staggered three-year terms, with representation from both city limits and those who live within the one-mile zoning jurisdiction outside of city limits.
There are currently two vacancies for members who live in the one-mile jurisdiction – one with a term ending Dec. 31, 2023 and one with a term ending on March 24, 2024.
Three Rivers Mosquito Control District
This board was created to develop and administer a program for the abatement and alleviation of mosquito pest conditions within the district.Term memberships are for three years. Anyone interested in serving on this board need only reside within the district.
There is one vacancy.
West Yellowstone TV District
This board of trustees does work in the West Yellowstone TV District that includes maintaining equipment such as transistors, amplifiers and antennas to produce stronger TV signals to the area.
There is one vacancy.
West Yellowstone/Hebgen Basin Refuse District #2
The area of the West Yellowstone/Hebgen Basin Solid Waste Management District includes the corporate limits of West Yellowstone and all of the area within the boundaries of the West Yellowstone School District.
There are currently two vacancies: one for a Town of West Yellowstone representative with a term ending January 2024, and one for a district resident with a term ending October 2024.