Gallatin County Elections Department
For immediate release: October 26, 2021
Media contact:
Eric Semerad, Gallatin County Clerk & Recorder/Elections Administrator
The Gallatin County Elections Department reminds residents of the updated voter registration deadline for the Nov. 2 general election, and encourages folks who need to register to come to our office as soon as possible!
For residents wishing to vote in the Nov. 2 general election, the registration deadline is at noon on Nov. 1 – the day BEFORE Election Day. We can no longer process new registrations on Election Day.
This deadline is for two types of voters:
New registrations
County residents who need to register to vote for the first time, you must be a U.S. citizen, 18 years or older, and a Montana resident for at least 30 days before the next election.
You will fill out the Montana Voter Registration Application – either print it off and fill it out at home and return it to our office, or get a copy from us at our office and fill it out here!
We are currently in the late registration period for the Nov. 2 election, so all new registrations must be done in person.
Updated registrations
If you have moved since you last registered to vote or updated your registration information, you’ll need to again update your information with us in order to receive a ballot.
After sending out over 75,000 ballots to registered active voters in Gallatin County on Oct. 13, over 6,000 were returned to our office as undeliverable. In almost all instances, ballots are returned as undeliverable because the voter has moved and they hadn’t updated their voter information with their new address. And ballots cannot be forwarded to new addresses.
Voters whose ballots were returned to us can retrieve them in person from the Elections Office and also update their voter information while they are here. They will fill out the same Montana Voter Registration Application and check “Address Change” in the first box of the form. Again, this must be done in person in order to vote in the Nov. 2 general election.
The Gallatin County Elections Department is located in room 210 of the Gallatin County Courthouse, 311 W. Main St. in downtown Bozeman.
We will be open and able to take registrations Tuesday, Oct. 26 to Friday, Oct. 29 from 8 AM to 5 PM, and on Monday, Nov. 1 from 8 AM to 12 PM.
For more information or questions, the Gallatin County Elections Department can be reached by phone at 406-582-3060 or by email at gallatin.elections@gallatin.mt.gov.
Visit our website at gallatinvotes.com.